Game Demo

A small demonstration created in JavaScript with P5JS.


arrows -- move; change selection

shift -- (hold) run

z -- interact (world); confirm (menu)

x -- back (menu)

c -- inventory (world); info (menu)



Gameplay involves exploration of the world, completion of quests, and recruitment of ghosts.

Combat involves a negotiation mechanic, which allows for multiple solutions to encounters.

Fight with ghosts.

The battle process

Battles begin on your turn. You must first select the ghost, from those you’ve captured, with which to fight for this turn.

With a ghost chosen, you must choose an action to perform.

Attack -- immediately attack, dealing physical damage.

Spell -- opens spell selection menu.

Inspect -- displays information about opponent.

Inventory -- view inventory.

Negotiate -- opens negotiation selection.

Escape -- end the battle.

Spell selection allows you to cast any spell known to the selected ghost, provided it has enough energy. Different spells may be cast on the opponent, the casting ghost, or all player ghosts. Some spells have a chance to incite a status effect.

Status effects can cause damage while in effect, or raise ghost attributes. Negative status effects have a chance to expire every turn, depending on the ghost’s resistance.

Currently the only implemented negotiation feature is “bribe”. A ghost may stop fighting if offered a specific item.

After battle, player ghosts may restore health and energy and cure status effects by interacting with a fountain.

Stats (press C to examine).




SLASH - STRENGTH - PIERCE (+ affinity)

FLAME - FROST - THUNDER (+ affinity)

MIND - HOLY - INFERNAL (+ affinity)

Energy is used to cast spells and command indicates the ghost’s level.

Attack and magic determine the damage of physical attack and spells respectively, agility the chance to evade an attack, defence and resistance damage reduction against physical attacks and spells respectively. Magic and resistance also determine chance to afflict or avoid status effects.

Affinities determine how much damage is taken from an attack.

None -- normal damage taken.

Weak -- increased damage taken.

Strong -- reduced damage taken.

Resist -- no damage taken.

Absorb -- the damage is taken as health restoration.

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